Horizon Industries is the day services component of MaxAbilities of York County. The Board operates two Work Activity Centers, one in York and the other in Rock Hill. There are varying levels of skills training provided in these settings. Some of the consumers may work on basic social skills and personal care skills, while others work in areas where they are paid to do contract work and their skills training focuses more on increasing their production while others are going out into the community for employment opportunities. The Work Activities Centers offer 4 different services.
Support Services
Provides care and supervision for individuals so families can get a break from caregiving or go to work. There is no training component to this service.
Day Activities
Individuals in this service area work on basic social skills, self-help skills, and personal care skills.
Career Preparation
Develops skills that are needed for successful employment. Many folks in this service also receive employment services or are offered work that is done at Horizon Industries.
Employment Services
This program provides assistance in obtaining and sustaining competitive employment. The service provides two avenues in which to do this: Group Employment and Individual Employment. When a person receives individual employment services, job coaches provide on-the-job training, resume building, interviewing training, and short-term follow-up to sustain the employment. Group employment is also available in the form of either a mobile work crew or an enclave. Mobile work crews currently provide janitorial services and lawn care to companies out in the community. An enclave provides workers and a supervisor to a company so that the work is performed in the contracting company versus the work activity center.